basic structure

<html> <!this is called a tag>
    <script src="js/somefile.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <! include a js file>
    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!include a css file>
    hello, title
    <body class="centered"> <!call css function>
    hello, body


/*this file is called 'style.css'. but in the same folder as the above html file*/
    text-aligned: center;



  • document object model. a specific object in JS that contains hierarchy of the html file. By changing the attributes of the DOM, it makes changing the website dynamically possible.
  • DOM has properties and methods to manipulate html files. example methods: getElementbyId(id), appendChild(node), removeChild(node), etc.
  • combine events and js function in html tag to trigger the effect.
  • jQuery libary in JS is popular to shorten the syntax.
    Syntax example:
    document.getElementbyId('colorDiv').style.backgroundColor='green' //vernilla JS
    $('#colorDev').css('backgroundColor', 'green'); //jQuery libary way to set background color

    cheatsheet for HTML, CSS, JS and jQuery
    jQuery API